Proudly printed and shipped from Coppell, TX 😊✨🌵 Use code: SHINEON10 for 10% off

My Story

Have you ever felt stuck? Have you ever let fear hold you back? Me too.

Wide-eyed and fresh out of school, I found myself stuck in a graphic design job I didn’t enjoy at all. I was in a toxic work environment that would leave me sad and totally drained by the end of the day. I knew I needed to find a way out.

I started utilizing those eight hours a day by sitting at my desk and listening to all the entrepreneur podcasts I could get my hands on. After a few months of internal dialogue around the fear of taking risks, I went for it. I said “no” to that toxic job and “YES” to starting this company.

Enter: Hustle & Thrive. 

All the motivation I needed to hear during that season, I’ve put on these shirts. Why not be walking billboards of powerful, encouraging messages? Doesn’t everyone need to be reminded to choose courage over fear? To keep going? To KILL IT, sis? Yes!

I’m pumped to use my love for graphic design to bring you these fun, life-giving messages. And if you ever have a phrase you want to see on a shirt, PLEASE reach out! I’m all about a good collab😉 

In the meantime, join the tribe and Hustle & Thrive!